Privacy Policy

OZA Inspections has created the Privacy Policy in accordance with the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), an overview is available from: 

The Office of the information and Privacy Commissioner of Canada 112 Kent Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 113 

Phone: 1-800-282-1376 Or on the internet at 

Personal information is defined as any information about an identifiable individual. It does not include the name, title, and business address or business telephone number of an employee of an organization. This Policy helps explain why OZA Inspections Ltd. collects information covered by the PIPEDA and how it is used and the steps taken to protect the privacy of both our clients and the public. 

Introduction: OZA Inspections Ltd is a Loss Control Consulting Firm that conducts structure surveys for blasting and constructions sites and conducts construction vibration and construction noise monitoring. 

Collection and retention of digital Information: OZA Inspection Ltd Conducts Pre-Condition Surveys that utilize digital photography, This provides a record of the condition of structures near construction/blasting projects (also referred to as the area of influence) prior to the start of construction activities. This is done to provide an inventory of the general conditions of the structure by recording a sampling of any pre-existing conditions or deficiencies, in the event of any suspected damage. 

OZA Inspections Ltd performs these inspections as an independent third party consultant. In effort to maintain this third-party impartiality and to ensure security of the photos, it is our policy that documentation is not released directly to outside interested parties following the inspection, 

Length of Retention of Photo Documentation: All inspections documentation is securely stored by OZA Inspections Ltd. in our secure storage facility operated by OZA Inspections Ltd. It will be held for a period of at least 7 years from the date of completion of the Final Report. Following expiry of this retention period, digital photo documentation, both electronic and hard copy are routinely destroyed. We do not disclose inspection documentation to anyone except for its intended purpose of assessment of construction impact. 

Public Information: Our website does not utilize cookies. The only information collected via our website is information that is intentionally sent by the user. We may collect addresses and phone numbers as well as other details of an individual’s support to objections for a project. This occurs when the construction activities may affect or be perceived to affect neighboring land owners. We may also solicit feedback from members of the public in the efforts of providing our services to our clients. In some cases, we collect information for notifications, mailing newsletters or other promotional information about OZA Inspections Ltd. This information is gathered with the knowledge of the person involved. It may be a ” request information” request via email, fax, or phone request. To request removal of your name from our contact list, please contact our Information Officer at the contact information below. 

Information Storage and Protection: All OZA Inspections Ltd staff members are aware of our Privacy Policy and have been instructed on the use of, and non-disclosure of personal information. All outgoing emails contain a Privacy Statement. Paper documentation is transmitted in sealed, opaque wrappings using either Canada Post or a reputable courier service. Client information is archived in a supervised and/or locked location. We provide ongoing services to many of our client’s, some files may be retained indefinitely. Upon request, personal information will be removed from our files. 

All paper documents are secured in supervised and/or locked locations. All media, electronic or paper copy, containing any personal information is disposed of by shredding. OZA’s Photographic Storage Library is maintained on devices that are not connected to the World Wide Web via wire or wireless connections. 

Accessing Your Personal Information: Upon written request, OZA Inspections Ltd. will provide you with access to any personal information about yourself which may be included in our files, this includes an opportunity to view any digital photos of your property. If we cannot give you access, we will respond with the reasons why. 

If you believe OZA Inspections Ltd. has incorrect information about you in our files, you have the right to request a correction. This applies to information and not professional opinions. We may ask you to provide documentation to back up your change request. 

When changes are required, we will make the correction and notify any others who may have received the original information. If we do not agree that the information in our files is incorrect, we will include your statement about the concern in our files and will provide that statement to any others who may have received the original formation. 

All formal complaints about the OZA Group privacy policy and/or practices should be made in writing to our Information Officer, who will investigate your complaint promptly 

and provide you with a formal response, in writing. 

This Privacy Policy may be amended at any time by OZA Inspections. All amendments shall be posted on the OZA website at www.oza inspections com. To obtain a copy of the updated OZA Privacy Policy, please refer to the Company website or contact the Information Officer. 

Questions; Toll Free: 1-800-667-8263, (905) 643-1074 
